Rhys Peacock
Sales Consultant
Born and raised in Longreach, Rhys’ Real Estate Career commenced consecutively after graduating from secondary schooling. Having been in the industry for in excess of 12 years, he has experienced the rises and falls of the markets throughout the Central West Queensland region. In 2017, Rhys commence actively working out of both the Longreach and Barcaldine offices, thoroughly enjoying being grounded in both communities.
He has worked in all facets of real estate, including the Property Management & Sale sectors. This enables him to incorporate and consider all facets of knowledge when working for his clients. He has a drive for achieving results for his broad client portfolio and believes that the key to a strong relationship between agent and client is a parallel understanding of honesty, trust and respect.
Passionate about community, Rhys is an active member on many commttees and community groups, including President of the Barcaldine Senior Rugby League (Sand Goannas), President of the Barcaldine Tree of Knowledge Festival committee and Vice President of the Leading in the Central West Committee (building rural leaders program).
The Ray White brand & blueprint, along with Rhys' passion and drive for rural and remote Queensland offers an incomparable Real Estate experience.
- 2024/2025 - Premier Performer
- 2023/2024 - Premier Performer
- 2022/2023 - Premier Performer
- 2021/2022 - Premier Performer
- 2020/2021 - Premier Performer
- 2019/2020 - Premier Performer
- 2018/2019 - Premier Performer
- 2017/2018 - Premier Performer